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During the boom years there was room for bankers, brokers and advisors with a short term shot gun approach. With a plethora of deals and credit it was possible to sustain such activities. We believe those days are firmly over and investors seek personal relations which are based on trust & confidence, old school values and long term commitment
  • Now, as credit is scarcer, M&A ‘s/ deals done are less in numbers, however they offer better returns and the prospect for the time ahead is promising
  • Because of personal relations we have access to quality off market deals and thus are in a prime position to offer our investors base assets not readily accessible.
  • Offloading assets in discreet manners is gaining momentum since sellers do not want to advertise to the world they are in distress or simply do not want press or attention
  • Countless investors we deal with lost on fraudulent investment advice from Wall Street investment banks, giving us more credibility and business
  • Our key clients continue to do deals and acquires assets, in particular hard assets within real estate and energy (particular oil& gas)
  • BD Globe have investors committed to invest over 3 billion USD this year